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Installing Amazon CLI and Terraform on Windows desktop

27 May 2019 Bajrang Gupta Comments Off
Amazon CLI is useful for running the deployment scripts built using Terraform.
Install Amazon CLI
Step 1: Check if Python is installed on your machine, if not Install Python on your desktop.
Step 2: Verify python is installed by executing the command. python –version
Step 3: Verify pip command works – This by default comes with Python installation. pip -V 
Step 4: Execute command pip install awscli This requires download of certain libraries and would need the proxy setup
Set up proxy before executing the pip install awscli command:
Step 5: If it provides a warning about pip version, you can upgrade pip : python -m pip install –upgrade pip
Step 6: Verify you can execute command aws
Install Terraform

Step 1: Download terraform https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html (64-Bit Windows)
Step 2: Unzip the downloaded file to a location and add the path to user/system variable PATH
Step 3: Verify you can execute the command terraform version from command line